Reminder about Phishing Emails - Island Insurance | Island Insurance

Reminder about Phishing Emails

Phishing emails appear to come from a trusted source requesting confidential information such as passwords, bank or credit card information, or containing links to fake websites requesting victims to reset their passwords or to update their account information.  Phishing emails could also resemble an email from a friend sharing “attached photos” that, when clicked, show nothing or an error message. At this point a hacker gains full control over your computer and can steal any information stored there.

  • Phishing emails closely mimic legitimate company communication.  If you are suspicious in any way, do not click on the email or link.  Instead, hover the computer mouse over the link in the email to see the actual destination website address.
  • Legitimate companies like Island Insurance will never send emails asking for a customer’s account information, password, address or personal information such as age, social security number or home address.

How to Protect Yourself

  • If unsure, do not click on any links or attachments.  Instead, contact the company directly by calling the number on your statement or search for the company online.  Do not use the information provided in the email.
  • Consider using “passphrases” which can be easier to remember since it contains symbols, spaces, a favorite song or a quote.
  • Regularly back-up your computer files and keep them on a separate device such as an external hard drive or server.
  • Regularly check credit reports and review all bank and credit card statements every month.